Friday, January 29, 2016


Pentatonix is an A Capella singing group composed of five members: Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi, Kirstin Maldonado, Avi Kaplan, and Kevin Olusola. They started off in Arlington,Texas.  And with some calls to the right people, and prayers (I bet) they got on the show "The Sing-off"  And they WON!! Stuff later, winning a grammy. Going on tour, and filming an AWESOME documentary. They are an amazing group.  They've been through so much together.  I love their music.  I'm such a big fan! If you read this, share it so it gets to them please! I would love them to see it!!  
xoxo Haley  

Thursday, January 28, 2016


To have someone look at me like if I was gone they would die is my dream.  I want that romance in my life.  I want that one person to sweep me off my feet.  A person to love me for who I am without hiding.  A person that accepts my every flaw, and doesn't try to change them. Its really hard to find someone to fit all those things.  We might have to change our expectations.  We might fall, but we have to get back up.  I've been through a lot when it comes to love.  It sucks when you tell someone you like them, and they tell you its not mutual.  I cried for hours the first time I ever told someone I liked them.  You just have to get up, and move on, or you will be stuck and never be happy.  Find that person that makes you happy.
xoxo Haley

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Do you know that one person who sits in the corner of the classroom or who is always picked last for the team in gym class?  I was that girl, and least for a long time.  The few popular friends I had were only friends with me so they could boss someone around.  Which was sad because I did it willingly.  I was doing this until one day I just had enough, and I told my friend to stop treating me like that.  Since then she hasn't talked to me.  But I am a better person, and have better friends.  My friends are my life.  They make me the best version of myself.  When I'm feeling like life isn't worth living, they show me it is.  I love my friends. If you are having struggles or trials, turn to your friends and let them help you.  Believe it or not, they understand more than you think.  
xoxo Haley

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A change in perspective

I love the feeling you get when you've had a certain hairstyle for a long time and than you make a big change.  I've had a basic hairstyle for so long I couldn't imagine myself with anything else. I made what seemed like a huge decision, and got BANGS! I've had bangs before, but when my face was fatter and it looked bad.  I guess this time my face thinned out a lot because it look really cute.  I'm still not used to it.  I'm only regretting it a little because I can't really do anything with my hair except leave it down.  I guess what I need to do is figure out if I'm happy with my decision, and stick with it...
xoxo Haley

Monday, January 25, 2016

Time to get Sirius

Hopefully you noticed the title of this post had a "typo" didn't.  This post is about one of my favorite topics.  You guessed it! Harry Potter!!  I started reading Harry Potter when I was 8 years old.  I was fascinated by them. The spells, the monsters, and my favorite part the mystery of it all.  When the movies came out, everything changed.  I've never been the type of person who picked the book over the movie.  So naturally I wanted to watch the movies first.  It came time to watch the 3rd Harry Potter and my mom thought the "dementors" would scare me.  Little did she know while my older sisters were watching the movie I was peaking over their shoulders watching.  The good part about the whole ordeal was, nothing about that movie scared me.....nothing.  I was proud of myself. 
xoxo Haley

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blogging is Hard

If any of you out there are bloggers, I would love some tips or suggestions...I just started and I'm not very good.  :D
xoxo Haley

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Sitting on my the middle of a snow storm...bundled in a blanket and uggs.  Pray for me that my power doesn't go out.  Dreaming of the beach in summer tanning away. 
 xoxo Haley

My first wish...

Have you ever wanted to travel to somewhere no one knew you?  Or taken a trip on a train around Europe?  Or to fly to Paris and see the Eiffel tower?  I want to do all those things.  
xoxo Haley