Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Onwards and Upwards

     Change is a good thing.  But sometimes it can be hard.  With the help of the people that support us we can accomplish anything.  

    I'm about to graduate high school, and I have so many opportunities for different colleges to go to.  So many people are telling me I can do anything.   Sometimes I get scared to go out in the "big bad" world all alone with no one to help me.  But then I realize I will always have someone.  If it's my friends or my family, they will always be there to pick me up if I fall.  For a while I didn't want to even look into colleges because I didn't want life to change.  But this change was for the good.  I just needed to accept that.  So my goal is to graduate high school and go to college away from home.  And that is something I know I can do.  If you set your mind to something and you have the right motivation, you can do anything!
xoxo Haley

Self Love

     Today on Facebook someone tagged me in a "Self love challenge".   It was to post any pictures of yourself at any point in your life to show that you are beautiful no matter what. 

   Growing up everyone told me I was pretty, for a while I believed them.  It was all great until someone told me they were lying to me and I was ugly.  It really shook my confidence.  After that I didn't like talking about the fact that I was overweight.  I was ashamed of myself.  And still to this day am I overweight, but something has changed.  The person who tagged me in the challenge is my best friend.  I love her because she makes me a better person.  She showed me that you can be curvy and still be gorgeous!   She still tells me almost everyday that I am beautiful.  That is probably one of the only reasons why I love myself now.  

   Love yourself, don't hate.  I challenge all of you to post pictures of your beautiful selves of any social media and share the love.  I love you all.
xoxo Haley

Saturday, April 16, 2016


    Prom.  The night of every girls life where they get to dress up in a gown and get their hair and makeup done, and dance the night away.  It's all glam and glitter and no one is the wiser.  In all the best movies and Tv shows all you see is the prom it self, and sometimes the girl buying the dress.  But you never see the stress of saving the money to get the salon appointment, or the jewelry, more importantly the dress it self.  All people ever see in movies suggests that either the dress doesn't cost that much, or the money appears out of thin air.  I KNOW that isn't true.. 
      Prepping for prom is hard work.  Getting the makeup that DOESN'T make you break out with severe acne, finding  the correct shoes that won't make your feet feel like they are covered with blisters, the clutch.  UGH! It's all too much.  But it's seems to be worth it once you pull up in your limo and dance the night away with the man of your dreams... Prom... Leading up to it may be horrible, but the night of is perfection.  
xoxo Haley

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

When Life gives you Lemons...

    We all know the saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Right?   Life hasn't been the best for me lately.  I've been struggling with a lot of things.  I've noticed that it gets better when I have the help of Heavenly Father.  You know how we are supposed to do all those things like, pray daily and read scriptures, for some reason I just can't make a habit of dong those things.  It's really hard for me.  We all have challenges, and we all can concur them with the help of God.  There seems to be a pattern doesn't there?  If we have problems and we need help, ask God and he will help you.  Most people think that they can shout to the high heavens that they accept God and that makes them "saved".  The truth is it takes a lot more than that to "save" you.  

     It talks about in the Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:4 it reads: And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.     

I know these things are true.  
xoxo Haley

Friday, April 1, 2016

Family is just...

   My house was full of relatives.  Cousins, Aunts and Uncles.  For some that is cause for celebration! For me it meant getting teased till I passed out, picking food that didn't have anything that anyone was allergic to, and making the dogs try to behave which NEVER worked.  I loved my family, but they drove me CRAZY!  All the crazy led me to believe that I was NOT a family person.  On the other hand, family was great!  Maybe just this part of my family was annoying.  I have no clue.  Well, better get back to my crazy weekend... Wish me luck...
xoxo Haley