Thursday, June 16, 2016

Camp at Last!

     Well, you guessed it, it's girls camp next week.  Finally, after so much preparation, and hard work it is here at last.   For the past 5 years I have been going to girls camp every summer.  It has been the best time of year.  Where people grow closer, and learn about the gospel.  Yes, it's hard and outside with the bugs.  But it's worth it.   I know some girls that went the first day convinced they were going to hate it, and left loving it.  Girls camp isn't just....Camping, it's something more.  The hard work. The service.  The bonding.  I don't know how to explain it.  Let's just say, you had to be there.  ;) 

I love girls camp, it has helped me so much with my testimony.  I know it can help yours.

xoxo Haley

Friday, June 10, 2016

Summer Vibes

    When I think of Summer I think of; spending time at the beach, with friends, go shopping, listening to your long wanted summer playlist, getting that perfect tan.... Everyone's summer is defined differently.  I thought this summer would be fun, and full of those things that made my summer vibes.   It hasn't been, at least so far.  It's been planning girls camp, and sitting at my computer...doing nothing.  Complete boredom.  It's frustrating to see my summer being wasted away on my computer, which is what I'm doing right now... Because there's nothing else to do.  

   I wish, I wish with all my heart to be in a foreign country on the beach, tanning away, sipping lemonade.  

Find your summer vibes, don't waste it. 

xoxo Haley

Friday, June 3, 2016

Life with a Sister

     Everyone who has a sister, or even a sibling understands that being kind to that sibling is hard sometimes.   For me being nice to my sister is extremely challenging.   She has this thing where she talks about herself all the time and expects me to remember all of it.  But when I say one thing, she doesn't even care.  It's so self centered.  She doesn't understand that other people like talking about their problems too.  I bet if I let her, she could talk for hours about herself.  Sad right?  

   She can go from happy and bouncy to yelling in the span of 10 seconds.  We all have to center our lives around hers.  She expects our mother to drive her everywhere she wants to go whenever. . . . . . It makes me sad to think where she will be after she moves out.  Making everyone miserable, just to please her.   I hope to God someone will snap her out of whatever funk she's in.  She hasn't always been like this.  
xoxo Haley

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Finally June

   Happy June 1st everyone!  Even though the actual first day of summer isn't till the 20th, it feels like summer already.  The sun is shining, the bees are buzzing, and the flowers are blooming!  

    This summer I've been wanting to go visit my cousin Gabi. It's taken a lot of work convincing my parents to let me fly half way across the country to visit people.  I've had to be a complete princess, which is fine but it's still hard.  I've talked to them several times about this but it's never gotten to the point where they just had to say yes or no.  It's at that point now.  I'm really anxious about what they are going to say.  I've put so much into going on this trip, I don't want to make all my work in vain.  I'm really excited to fly on an airplane! I've never been on one before...  I know I know, it's kinda sad.  

   Girls Camp is getting really close, it's only about 3 weeks away.  I'm happy, but it's kinda stressful trying to get all the stuff done before the 20th.  We've done so much to prepare, but still have so much do to.  UGH! 
   I hope everyone's summer is wonderful!
xoxo Haley